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Plenarvortrag / Plenary talk

Leider musste Fernanda Ferreira ihren Plenavortrag am Freitag kurzfristig absagen. Um keine Lücke im Programm entstehen zu lassen, findet der Vortrag von Nikolaus Himmelmann am Freitag, 10 Uhr statt.

Unfortunately, Fernanda Ferreira had to cancel her plenary talk on Friday on short notice. To avoid a gap in the program we moved the plenary talk by Nikolaus Himmelmann to Friday, 10 a.m.



AG 3 has many changes. See here for the new program (pdf)


Mittwoch / Wednesday

14:15-15:15 AG / Workshop 2
Abgesagt/Cancelled Éric Mathieu (University of Ottawa, invited speaker)
Distributed number: Syntax, morphology, semantics


16:30-17:30 AG / Workshop 9 
Abgesagt/Cancelled Arndt Riester (Bielefeld University)
Implicit discourse structure and meaning in indirect replies to questions in political interviews


17:30-18:30 AG / Workshop 11 
Abgesagt/Cancelled Felix Böhm (University of Kassel)
Multimodales Erklären mit Irritationspotential? PowerPoint-Karaoke zwischen multi-modaler Wissenskommunikation und kreativer Selbstbehauptung


Donnerstag/ Thursday

11:45-12:45 AG/Workshop 3 Änderungen Postersession

Abgesagt/Cancelled Nino Amiridze (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University)
Nominative marked nouns as address forms in Georgian: Interplay of internal and external changes

Statt/Instead of Poster: Vortrag/Talk Do/Thurs 14:15 Felicia Bisnath (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
Forms of multimodal language contact: Mouthing constructions across signed languages

Abgesagt/Cancelled Jessica Kantarovich (University of Chicago)
Variation vs. change: Language variation on the eve of language shift

Statt/Instead of Poster: Vortrag/Talk Fr/Fri 11:45 Manfred Sailer (Goethe University Frankfurt) & Nicolas Lamoure (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Superlative ever: A cross-linguistic lexically anchored structural borrowing

12:15-12:45 AG/Workshop 1

Abgesagt/Cancelled Sören Stumpf (LMU München)
Creativity in the dynamics of German constructional idioms. A diachronic, corpus-based approach


14:15-14:45 AG/Workshop 3

Abgesagt/Cancelled Maia Duguine (CNRS-IKER) & Aritz Irurtzun (CNRS-IKER)
The apparent paradox of Bare Nouns in Basque-French contact

Stattdessen / Replaced by Felicia Bisnath (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
Forms of multimodal language contact: Mouthing constructions across signed languages Freitag


9:00-10:00 AG / Workshop 9

Abgesagt/Cancelled Invited speaker: Arne Zeschel (Leibniz IDS Mannheim)
Creative meaning in interaction

Stattdessen / Replaced by Invited speaker: Dietmar Zaefferer (LMU München)
Creativity in neology and the survival of the fittest


9:00-9:30 AG / Workshop 13

Abgesagt/Cancelled Leah S. Bauke (University of Wuppertal), Alexandre Alves Santos (University of Massachusetts Amherst) & Tom Roeper (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Theoretical insight from L2: How elliptical inversion and speech act particles connect

Stattdessen / Replaced by Tabea Reiner (LMU München)
Backward deletion viewed systematically


Freitag / Friday

11:45-12:15 AG / Workshop 1
Abgesagt/Cancelled Katrin Hein (Leibniz IDS Mannheim)
Expanding the boundaries of word formation: phrasal compounding in German between creativity and routine


11:45-12:45 AG / Workshop 3 Abgesagt/Cancelled Sophia Eakins (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
A multidisciplinary & interactional approach to codeswitching in Cabo Verdean bilinguals
Stattdessen / Replaced by Manfred Sailer (Goethe University Frankfurt) & Nicolas Lamoure (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Superlative ever: A cross-linguistic lexically anchored structural borrowing



11:45-12:45 AG / Workshop 10
Abgesagt/Cancelled Sabine Sczesny (University of Bern)
Geschlechterinklusive Sprache – ein Beitrag zur Antidiskriminierung?
Stattdessen / Replaced by 12:15-12:45 Lena Völkening (University of Bonn)
Ist das (schon) Grammatik? Gegenderte NPs aus konstruktionsgrammatischer Perspektive


12:15-12:45 AG / Workshop 12

Abgesagt/Cancelled Eva Rodríguez-González (University of New Mexico) & Rosita L. Rivera (University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez)
Defining alternative constructs of multilingual assessment in higher education: Assessment in multilingual contexts
Stattdessen / Replaced by Christoph Gantefort (University of Cologne), Evghenia Goltsev (UniversitätRegensburg), Charlotte Stehr (University of Cologne), Anastasia Knaus (University of Cologne) & Lukas Busch (University of Cologne)
Assessing general comprehension abilities of newly arrived multilingual students


12:45-13:45 AG / Workshop 7
Abgesagt/Cancelled Andrea Matticchio (University of Göttingen)
Uneconomical word order in Old Italian: Semantics and Information Structure

Stattdessen /Replaced by Sayantani Banerjee (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)
Grammaticalization and phi-features


Fr 12:45-13:15 AG / Workshop 14
Abgesagt/Cancelled Clara Fridman (Bar-Ilan University) & Natalia Meir (Bar-Ilan University)
Creative lexical strategies among Hebrew heritage speakers dominant in English
Stattdessen / Replaced by Yulia Zuban (University of Stuttgart)
Syntactic and prosodic expression of information status by heritage speakers of Russian


Fr 13:45-14:15 AG / Workshop 14
Abgesagt/Cancelled Yoolim Kim (Wellesley College)
Differences in processing strategies between native and heritage speakers of Korean and the role of written language
Stattdessen / Replaced by Mareike Keller (University of Mannheim), Nadine Zürn (University of Mannheim)
The relevance of collocational ties for heritage speakers
