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Computational Linguistics Tutorial

  • Organization: Rainer Osswald (Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf)
  • Topic: Computational modelling for linguistics: Probing the mental lexicon with spoken corpora
  • Talks: Kevin Tang (Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf) & Eoin O'Reilly (Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf)
  • Date: 07.03.2023, 11-18 h
  • Location: S 21, Seminargebäude
  • Maximum number of participants: 50


Computational modelling for linguists: Probing the mental lexicon with spoken corpora

This tutorial will introduce participants to the field of corpus phonetics, allowing them to ask and answer non-trival research questions using a large amount of speech and lexical data. It will cover topics of corpus compilation, semi-automatic annotation (phonetic transcription and forced-alignment), extraction of phonetic and phonological variables and the basics of data science techniques to visualise and to compare the derived variables. Participants will get the chance to apply these skills to real data in hands-on sessions, and learn how they can apply what they have learned to their research, whether they work on phonetics, or in the wider field of linguistics.

The programming component of this tutorial will use the R programming language, which is widely used across academia for statistical applications. This course assumes no previous programming experience, since everything will be taught from the ground up. Seasoned R users are of course welcome to join as well.
