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Downloads & Links

Conference booklet (PDF)

Progam (The pdf documents will be not updated for short-term changes after 1 March 2023. Please see 'Program changes' in the online program.):
Conference program (web, PDF)
Plenary talks (Workshops: Schedular: Choose plenary talk, web, PDF)
Workshops (PDF; for individual programs see: Workshops: Schedular: Choose workshop, Web)
Program overview: Workshop sesssions (Workshops: Schedular: Choose date and time, PDF)
Section CL poster session (web, PDF)
Satellite events (web, PDF)
Social program (web, PDF)

The abstracts (PDFs) for the workshops (Workshops: Schedular, web) and the section CL poster session (web) can be viewed and downloaded individually and/or bundled on the corresponding web pages

Arrival (web, PDF)
Site plan & room overview (web, PDF)
Food & drinks on/near Campus (web, PDF)

